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Contact us


Your best contact for different types of issues is:

For issues with... Contact...
PMS database or software PMS vendor
One specific PMS integration Integration vendor
Multiple PMS integrations Halo Connect
Halo Link installation, updates, or performance Halo Connect

If your issue appears to be with Halo Connect, please follow the escalation steps below.


Completing these steps allows our team to better serve you, and find a resolution faster when escalating technical issues and errors. If not provided, Halo Support will ask you for all of the below information during your interactions with our team.

  1. Work through the troubleshooting guide for Halo Link, including the mitigations for any known issues which might be relevant.
  2. Gather information for raising a support ticket:
    1. Note the practice's Halo Guid.
    2. Gather any relevant log files.
  3. Email Support with the above information, or have it ready when calling our team. Be prepared to provide additional information or logs, as well as participate in a troubleshooting call with the Halo Support team.

Halo Cloud issues

  1. Work through the troubleshooting guide for Halo Cloud, including the mitigations for any known issues which might be relevant.
  2. Gather information for raising a support ticket, where relevant:
    1. The Halo GUID(s) of the practice(s) or Halo Link(s) you're trying to query.
    2. The environment you're working in (staging or production).
    3. An anonymised version of the query you are sending, with any PII or proprietary business logic removed.
    4. The query ID of the failing query.
    5. Any error messages you are receiving.
  3. Email Support with the above information, or have it ready when calling our team. Be prepared to provide additional information or logs, as well as participate in a troubleshooting call with the Halo Support team.

Contact us

All support requests are initially handled by the front-line support team. Please provide as much detail as possible for the Support request (including logs where applicable), preferably in writing, along with the best contact details for us to get in touch.

If a member of the front-line Support team deems a support ticket beyond their ability to resolve, they will escalate it to the relevant Halo Connect team (for example, Engineering or Customer Success).


If your support request is related to Halo Link, please include log files if possible. Receiving log files upfront can significantly improve our response time.

Support Expectations

Please keep in mind, when engaging with Halo Connect support, we will at no point access a 3rd party server and execute changes or investigation for troubleshooting purposes. This is precautionary to prevent the introduction of vulnerabilities or instability into third party company systems and servers.

Our team may initiate a view only screen share, and will happily talk through any server diagnostics or action items with the server technician, but will not make changes to the server on your behalf.

Response time

Our Service Level Agreement (SLA) outlines our support ticket prioritisation and expected response times. It is available via our website at

If an issue cannot be handled within the timeframes and targets set forth within the SLA, the support ticket will be escalated to a Halo Connect staff member who is able to expedite a resolution.